social media

Gowalla-Flashmob - I just went around the world to propose to Terri Carlson.

This lady on the left just received a digital proposal from me. Wth? Yes, I'm in a hetro relationship right now, but Terri Carlson says she will marry for health insurance, which might seem like pretty drastic measures, but as she explains it's her only option.
Dabitch 2 min read
Gowalla-Flashmob - I just went around the world to propose to Terri Carlson.

This lady on the left just received a digital proposal from me. Wth? Yes, in a hetro relationship right now, but Terri Carlson says she will marry for health insurance, which might seem like pretty drastic measures, but as she explains it's her only option.

We got that over here in Sweden you know! To draw a little attention to her, me and a few partners in GPS-crime dashed around the world in my superfast sonic boom airplane. ahem

We checked in at Treriksröset - the border between Finland, Sweden and Norway declaring that we were on our way to Terri Carlson.

A hop and a skip later, we checked into the San Diego Post Office and that's where I proposed.

A skip and a bop after that we all appeared at the Senate urging them to help.
They are the ones in power after all.

Finally, we ended our trip at Big Ben declaring it's time to help Terri Carlson.
All in all, a nice little tour.

See also Jonk the pirate boys notes on Gowalla Flashmob and Gowalla Flashmob posted by John Ankarström, and Flashmob i Gowalla posted by Nikkelin (if you read Swedish). See also Artoo "I'm a hacker" (Swedish) Update! Terri likes us! also noted by Jonk the pirate boy

I just read your article. I LOVED it!! You guys are the best. My family was from Sweden. I am 100% Swed but was born and now stuck in hell in the US. It warms my heart that all of you took time out of your lifes to think about me. I really cant thank you enough. The US send billions to Haiti to provide medical care to them while there own tax paying people suffer and die. Its shameful! I needed to let you know how much your support means to me. Blessings to you all! Terri

Aw. That was fun. Terri has also posted this link on her In the news page.

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