Our wee link in New York Times.
We provided 16 of the 23 commercials (though we have all of them) for the graphic, you can shortcut to the ads on Adland from this post here. The New York Times gracefully listed Adland as a source, both with name and URL.
Follow this link to see it: NEW YORK TIMES SUPER BOWL ADS GRAPHIC ( web archive broken flash )
To quote myself from when I posted about this on Adland:
Naturally, we have all the ads (and more, hehe) that the NYT used in their fun graph - here are the ones they picked as standout ads from each year. Two minor mistakes in the gray lady - the year 2000 Etrade ad does not contain a monkey but a chimp, which is an ape. The Tabasco spot is from 1997, not 1998. I nitpick, I know.