Posts related to or about adland® the commercial archive
83 posts

I only just realized why my Linkedin is blowing up - I'm old.
Ascii art easter eggs over the years
3 min read

Adland : the never-ending project
I bored all my friends talking about advertising all the time. I am obsessed with ads. I wanted to share ad knowledge with other ad geeks.
9 min read

Charging for commercial access on Adland® - a short era
Adland had a paywall for some time. When the bandwidth for serving the commercials became too large of an expense for me, I devised a plan.
2 min read

"Click on those who click on adland" - banner project from visiting domain names.
On April 22 in 2000 I sat down and wrote a little script that would pull out interesting names from my visitor traffic and then I would create banners with these names and link back to the visitor's official websites
5 min read

Adpulp: Åsk Wäppling’s Adland Torpedoed By “Nuisance DMCA”
David Burn did a proper interview here: "Åsk Wäppling’s Adland Torpedoed By “Nuisance DMCA” asking the questions that many others also wondered about, so I was happy to get to answer these publically.
1 min read

Techdirt "Adland shuts down after web host complies with bullshit DMCA notice"
Techdirt notes that we're offline and write "Adland Shuts Down After Web Host Complies With Bullshit DMCA Notice" on Fri, Sep 27th 2019.
1 min read

Bluebus; 'Adland' goes down for publicizing Bridgestone commercial - lawyer complained
There is one advertising website that has been around longer than Adland has, and it is the Brazilian BlueBus site that premiered in 1995, a whole year before us. They noted the death of Adland in this article here.
1 min read

SF Egotist: "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"
The SF Egotist, another advertising blog that has been around for years reported on the demies of Adland here. "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"
1 min read

Resumé : Reklamsajten Adland hotas av nedläggning
Resumé rapporterar om Adland's plötsliga nedläggning som hotar bli permanent. Det finns en arkiverad länk här.
2 min read

Reclaim: "World’s largest and oldest commercial archive Adland taken offline"
A site called Reclaim the Internet was the first out to report that "World’s largest and oldest commercial archive Adland taken offline after questionable DMCA claim" (archive link)
1 min read

LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION™ notes Adland's death
Lawyer Ron Coleman, who blogs "on the law affecting brands, the Internet & free speech" at Likelihood of Confusion noted dryly that:
1 min read