
The Globe and Mail "All ads, all the time - only on-line"

The Globe and Mail wrote about "All ads, all the time - only on-line" here and it's archived here.
Dabitch 1 min read
The Globe and Mail "All ads, all the time - only on-line"

The Globe and Mail wrote about "All ads, all the time - only on-line" here and it's archived here.

Maybe you like watching foreign commercials. Or you're an aspiring copy writer hoping to break into the ad business. Or you saw a particularly offensive ad last night and you're wondering where to complain.

Well, you're in luck. You can indulge virtually all of your ad-related desires from the safety and anonymity of your computer. Nobody needs to know your idea of fun is looking at vintage pantyhose ads.

The Internet has spawned a Web site for every ad fetish imaginable. Want to check out cigarette ads from the 1950s? Click to Curious to see which commercials won at this month's International Advertising Festival in Cannes? Try or, among others.

And if you want to know what insiders think about the business, try, a Web site "by the adgrunts for the adgrunts."

Hosted by someone named DABiTCH, this is a good place to get an insider's view of the ad business, warts and all. The site was down yesterday, but it offers links to articles, news, book excerpts and some very funny U.S. Bud Light radio ads. Be sure to check out the section called badland, which lists examples of ads that are remarkably similar to each other.

I don't StudlyCap "Dabitch" and Adland was clearly still called that, despite the URL as you can see in this Waybackmachine 2001 snapshot. The tagline changed at each reload, and varied between a few like "Adland, by the adgrunts for the adgrunts" and "Welcome to Adland - truth on advertising" and similar.

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