Perla chose her own wallpaper. Perla loves her wallpaper, and we painted the bottom half of the wall with magnetic paint before papering, so she can put magnets everywhere that she can reach - a game that never gets old. Trivia, this wallpaper was the first batch of old wallpapers that Tapetorama got when he started his shop.

I'm pretty sure I heard his heart actually break when he saw my rather dismal job of putting it up. ;) It's still awesome though.

This wallpaper is the one we thought we would use in the diningroom, back when we planned to only do one wall. We changed our minds and did a whole room instead though, and there wasn't enough rolls of this to cover it. So if you fancy a wall or two and want roses, this is a cool batch.

We had to get one that had a few more rolls. And we took all of them, here's ours,from the 1950s with glittery gold!