
I make posts about anything here.

52 articles
Boeing down in flames

Boeing down in flames

Got up, sipped coffee, casually scrolled Twitter while figuring out what to wear, when the video of a Boeing in flames caught my eye

Why is modern advertising so bland?

Why is modern advertising so bland?

A lot of people are asking themselves this, and many experienced ad people are blaming DEI, or the need to be "safe" and not offend, but that doesn't explain abrasive brand voices like Tampax on Twitter

Let's party with Party Boy!

Let's party with Party Boy!

So yesterday was a fun day for me. I started the day ready to tackle a list of four annoying bugs that needed to be sorted out, and instead of ending the day with eleven bugs I actually managed to solve all four.

Paypal shuts yet another account down

Paypal shuts yet another account down

The concept of credit cards and digital cash seems so convenient, with no heavy coins to carry, and no need for purses at all in the future when you can just skip the phone altogether and use your fingerprint everywhere.

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