"We build the internet" SvD utvecklingsblogg interviews Dabitch

"We build the internet" SvD utvecklingsblogg interviews Dabitch

We build the Internet: Åsk Wäppling, Adland.tv Åsk Wäppling from Adland.tv answers four questions about the site, business models, inspiration and the web.

We build the Internet: Åsk Wäppling, Adland.tv Åsk Wäppling from Adland.tv answers four questions about the site, business models, inspiration and the web.

Excerpt from the interview:

What makes you unique?

- When we started in 1996, there was nothing like it. Now there are in themselves many who try to emulate but they have not succeeded in capturing the whole. It has partly to do with me and partly the audience we have, because it is not only advertising people, but it is also teachers and people who have found that it is a popular source of culture. The audience makes us unique.

What does the business model look like?

- At Adland we preserve, we publish, we deliver, we review and sometimes we harass all advertising that exists.

What inspired you when you started this?

- The fact that I, like all advertising people, is not geographically dependent, but I move around a lot. And so do many in the advertising industry, just as it is they work in Düsseldorf, the next day they are in Amsterdam and so on. After all, 

Interviewer, Pelle Sten

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