"Click on those who click on adland" - banner project from visiting domain names.

On April 22 in 2000 I sat down and wrote a little script that would pull out interesting names from my visitor traffic and then I would create banners with these names and link back to the visitor's official websites

"Click on those who click on adland" - banner project from visiting domain names.

On April 22 in 2000 I sat down and wrote a little script that would pull out interesting names from my visitor traffic and then I would create banners with these names and link back to the visitor's official websites. This went on until July 30 2003, when I retired the project into a banner museum. The banner museum can be viewed via the internet archive, here.

The point wasn't only to reveal adland's influence, but also to be a bit of an in-joke as you could clearly seed the names of advertising agencies from around the world visiting. It didn't hurt that a lot of the gateway servers had very amusing names, like "pat-e-cake.fallon.com"

Here are a few of the banners, you can see Crain communications (owner of Adage) and the FCC were visiting.

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