
Agencyspy: Adblogger Gets Death Threats etc. Over Human Rights Ads 2008

Agency Spy takes note of the death threats sent to Adland due to that Red Cross ad campaign: "Adblogger Gets Death Threats etc. Over Human Rights Ads posted on Her Site" (archive link and wayback link)
Dabitch 1 min read
Agencyspy: Adblogger Gets Death Threats etc. Over Human Rights Ads 2008

Agency Spy takes note of the death threats sent to Adland due to that Red Cross ad campaign: "Adblogger Gets Death Threats etc. Over Human Rights Ads posted on Her Site" (archive link and wayback link)

Our colleague and friend Ask Dabitch Wappling, who writes commentary on the 43,000 ads she hosts on commercial-archive (Adland) told us yesterday that she’s been receiving death threats and serious trolling attacks from pro-Chinese Web junkies.

The so-called false imagery has many Web savvy Chinese up in arms — to the point that they have sent death threats to not only Wappling, but also the Swedish Red Cross.

Wappling said the Red Cross has had it much worse than she, by way of threats and DOS attacks on their Web site.

Furthermore, Wappling said that her servers have crashed at least three times due to DOS attacks. Her site has also apparently been attached to the word “prostitute” in Google search.

“If this happens to me — an adblog that simply showed a campaign — then what do real journalists who write about China have to endure? That’s scary,” said Wappling.

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