
I almost got in trouble with the reclamecommissie?

I just learned that I may have been in trouble with the "reclamecommissie" in the Netherlands.
Dabitch 1 min read
I almost got in trouble with the reclamecommissie?
Marcel at Amsterdam tattooing and a penis...

I just learned that I may have been in trouble with the "reclamecommissie" in the Netherlands.

It is an organ of the Dutch Advertising Code Foundation that assesses whether one advertisement meets the Dutch Advertising Code. A bit like the ASA in the UK and various similar organisations around the ad-world.

It's Marco Derksen who revealed it, I was just reading his post here where he links people to my "Fonk for thoughts" interview.

Marcel’s slowly vanishing image? Damn, dat die poster door de reclamecommissie is gekomen 🙂

That's him noting that I made that campaign and that it has been reported to the reclamecommissie, holy moly! Maybe it was the penis? I would think so....

(I did keep them away from areas where kids would obviously be, and more appeared in areas where the red light district or porn shops were.)

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