Join me @ the David Lowery New Years Day Brunch Livestream

Join me @ the David Lowery New Years Day Brunch Livestream

So here's a great tradition to start the year off in a way that'll set the path right. The David Lowery New Year's Brunch live-stream.

Happy New Year!

Here's to 2024 wiping the floor with the past few years that were kind of 'meh' overall. I feel like we've all been in a bit of a slump since "two weeks to slow the spread", and are barely stumbling back to normality.

So here's a great tradition to start the year off in a way that'll set the path right. The David Lowery New Year's Brunch live-stream.

It's the perfect event for mixing the last of the bubbly with orange juice. Or perhaps a Bloody Mary to take the edge off if you partied too hard last night.

David Lowery will be performing a solo acoustic set from his home in Athens GA. And I'll be moderating. Heck knows how I got into that, but I did, so there. David will perform songs from his last three solo albums as well as a sneak preview of new songs from the next installment.

Please come and hang out. :)

Cheers! And Happy New Year!

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