SF Egotist: "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"

SF Egotist:  "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"

The SF Egotist, another advertising blog that has been around for years reported on the demies of Adland here. "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"

The SF Egotist, another advertising blog that has been around for years reported on the demise of Adland here. "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown"

If you’ve watched an ad on Adland, you’re not alone. It’s been around since 1996 and survived as the preeminent advertising archive all these years. But for some reason, a post about a Bridgestone ad from 2003 raised the hackles of a Boulder-based lawyer and resulted in a DCMA takedown notice. It quickly spiraled from there, with Adland’s host giving them just 24 hours to find a new host.
The Adland founder took to Twitter and via email to pass on the sad news that Adland was going down.

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