Aluma Social Welfare - putting homeless people on the digital map

Aluma Social Welfare - putting homeless people on the digital map
You could check in to homless people's favorite spots.

The Fan Club wanted people to notice the homeless in Malmö. With $0 budget. While people were busy playing gowalla and 4square on their phones.


The Fanclub wanted people to notice the homeless in Malmö. With $0 budget. While people were busy playing Gowalla and 4square on their phones.


Since I knew how to hack both Gowalla & 4Square's geo-location, the Fan Club contacted me for help, and we spent an evening at the agency making check-in spots for homeless peoples "homes". Benches, parks and bus stops. A little hackathon for the homeless, if you will.


The media impact was worth approx $365,000, reaching 1.1 million people in Sweden, it was covered on national and local news, on the radio and in newspapers.

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