I'm not sure what it does really, all I know is that I want it.

The Vestax Faderboard is a keyboard-like sampling / modular instrument that operates exclusively on faders. The idea originally invented by Shing02 using a digital multi-track recorder and a mixer, the faderboard was presented to, and developed up by Vestax over a course of two years in a collaborative effort with Korg. For specs, go to the links page or read the tech review below.
faderboard specs on vestax.com (in japanese)
main features:
The faderboard is developed by Vestax and powered by Korg. Vestax provides the hardware, while the sound engine and effects unit come form Korg (specifically, the chips built in the Electribe Series).
* 10 upfaders, designed to trigger notes / hits (3 step curve / octave switch)
* 1 cross fader (curve / reverse switch)
* 30 internal tones (half note = +/- 100 cent tuning)
* 10 internal drum kits (BPM setting 20 - 999)
* root key assign / # button (12 half steps)
* 6 scale presets (major, minor, arabic, gypsy, blue note)
* midi out triggering capability (midi notes 35 - 64)
* 12 internal effects
* sampling capability (30 secs, 16bit mono)
* sample start / end slider (reversible)
* smartmedia / on-board storage (10 banks)
* .wav compatible via smartmedia
* phono / line / mic input
* panel color: first run in red only