It's time for another Cannes party. This time, like the elections later in the year, the party's theme is politics, something every creative who made it to Cannes is intimately familiar with. Decoration ranged from fake Sun-style headlines, thousands of balloons, actual dirty money to buy your drinks with, and a free cigar to everyone who arrived.
The party-slut's arranging the 2000 party are: Jan Dirk Bouw art, David Bell copy, Åsk Wäppling art, Hans Brouwer, music.

On the left side of the entrance to Place Galion, Massive Music's poster advertising their "listening party" abilities.

...and in the other corner of the ring - Condor "the party with a vision"

Our french announcer carried political broadcasts all over Cannes with his golden speakers blaring out marching music, drumming up the political fever we need tonight. To the left is Jan Dirk Bouw and the dress with the balloons on the right is yours truly.
We spent the day decorating the venue, checking the sound, brainstorming with the MC's and coordinating when and where the surprises and acts would appear, not to mention inflating thousands of balloons...

20 minutes until party time. Dave here will be one of the MC's of this evening political razmatazz, announcing acts, directing attention to the free booze and the fake cocaine piles. He might improvise nearly every night with Boom Chicago in Amsterdam, but tonight at midnight he
will announce the greatest political leader in the U.S today in hyped up techno trance as a giant dick dances up on the stage and eventually sprays shaving cream all over the dance floor, which we must say is a highlight in his improv career. Both Boom Chicago MC's made the event outrageously funny together with the Penis-dancer, which was Nepco performers.
Our Marilyn - this little lady (she's less than a meter tall) performed as Marilyn singing "happy birthday Mr President" filling the stage with the more seductive side of politics, glittering in the spotlight just like Marilyn did. She needn't had been so nervous as her performance was big hit.
Later she walked her poodles around the party and shared champagne with the guests. I'm not sure who is in which poodle outfit - but the performers are all Nepco.