

Posts about Perla

18 posts
Atlanta - Little five point / The Vortex

Atlanta - Little five point / The Vortex

I've had a thing about Atlanta for quite a while now, surfing every site about the place to figure out how it might be to live there, and as luck has it I know Brandon one of the School of Humans founders
Dabitch 1 min read
Singing in the rain

Singing in the rain

There has been more rain in the first half of July than is normal all summer, so it's no wonder Perl has learned a new dance-routine.
Dabitch 1 min read


I'm sorry, but I can't help myself. I'm bringing up a little flasher with a twisted sense of humor. Bless.
Dabitch 1 min read
Dabitch and Perla in the yard

Dabitch and Perla in the yard

This is for a mate of mine who said" Dabitch dahling, I never see you these days. All the pictures of that kid of yours. What the hell are YOU doing these days? What color is your hair now?"
Dabitch 1 min read
Landslaget nästa

Landslaget nästa

Here she is, our new star player showing skilled ball control as she dodges past her opponent with the camera and has penetrated the defense with her mad footwork. r.
Dabitch 1 min read
Titta det snöar!

Titta det snöar!

Och så kom äntligen vintern... I morse såg porten ut såhär när Perle som vanligt drog mig ut på gården alldeles på tok för tidigt på morgonen.
Dabitch 1 min read

Everything is so random there must be a pattern

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