Why is modern advertising so bland?

Why is modern advertising so bland?

A lot of people are asking themselves this, and many experienced ad people are blaming DEI, or the need to be "safe" and not offend, but that doesn't explain abrasive brand voices like Tampax on Twitter


Boeing down in flames

Boeing down in flames

Got up, sipped coffee, casually scrolled Twitter while figuring out what to wear, when the video of a Boeing in flames caught my eye

So why not self-host your own email server?

So why not self-host your own email server?

A while back, I wrote "Why self-host?" and explained why it was the wrong question. This inspired my friend Otso to actually deep-dive into self-hosting, to expand on his skillset, and he's now reposted that article on his own self-hosted blog that he's built with his newfound knowledge.

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Supermarket wars

Supermarket wars

The other day I saw a forum post where a British bloke asked whether Swedes had a "snob" supermarket like they do in the UK. He was trying to describe the Tesco phenomenon and wondered if Swedes had something similar.

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So why not self-host your own email server?

So why not self-host your own email server?

A while back, I wrote "Why self-host?" and explained why it was the wrong question. This inspired my friend Otso to actually deep-dive into self-hosting, to expand on his skillset, and he's now reposted that article on his own self-hosted blog that he's built with his newfound knowledge.

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