

Tired of writing bios
241 posts
Atlanta - Little five point / The Vortex

Atlanta - Little five point / The Vortex

I've had a thing about Atlanta for quite a while now, surfing every site about the place to figure out how it might be to live there, and as luck has it I know Brandon one of the School of Humans founders
Dabitch 1 min read
Om Åsk Dabitch Wäppling

Om Åsk Dabitch Wäppling

Nåh, jag har blivit skarpt tillrättavisad av flera nära vänner att jag bara måste ha en såndär "about me" page som "alla" har. "Inte undra på att folk inte vet vem du är" har de sagt, "Du är så himla hemlig". Det håller jag inte med om. Sajten jag grundade 1996 finns i Wikipedia på tre språk
Dabitch 2 min read
Confessions of a Gowalla "hacker"
social media

Confessions of a Gowalla "hacker"

As you know, it all started because of that "pleaserobme" page. I Dashed around 4square to prove a point, and then did the same excersize in Gowalla (which I play), to not play favorites with either service.
Dabitch 4 min read


Everything is so random there must be a pattern

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