
17 posts
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So why not self-host your own email server?
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So why not self-host your own email server?

A while back, I wrote "Why self-host?" and explained why it was the wrong question. This inspired my friend Otso to actually deep-dive into self-hosting, to expand on his skillset, and he's now reposted that article on his own self-hosted blog that he's built with his newfound knowledge.
8 min read
Paypal shuts yet another account down
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Paypal shuts yet another account down

The concept of credit cards and digital cash seems so convenient, with no heavy coins to carry, and no need for purses at all in the future when you can just skip the phone altogether and use your fingerprint everywhere.
3 min read
Bye Drupal 8.
geek public

Bye Drupal 8.

I moved my personal portfolio and blog from Drupal 8 to Ghost. I don't think I can even begin to explain how much I despise Drupal 8.
1 min read
Confessions of a Gowalla "hacker"
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Confessions of a Gowalla "hacker"

As you know, it all started because of that "pleaserobme" page. I Dashed around 4square to prove a point, and then did the same excersize in Gowalla (which I play), to not play favorites with either service.
4 min read
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