Adland pranks Starbucks, and they prank me right back.

...."Ok, you are hereby dubbed to the copyqueen of this project while I go sort something green to wear." were the last words between me and Jane Goldman a.k.a caffeinegoddess,

Adland pranks Starbucks, and they prank me right back.

...."Ok, you are hereby dubbed to the copyqueen of this project while I go sort something green to wear." were the last words between me and Jane Goldman a.k.a caffeinegoddess, as I stayed up late to sort out a Starbucksfied theme for Adland, knowing that she'd deliver the perfect press release to cement the prank. It was even said on a public Facebook wall. Man, we're like so discreet people.

In the middle of the night here (ie; after midnight! So it was April 1) the release went up: Adland joins Starbucks Digital Network, while the site turned green and coffee-stained, and I went to get a few hours of shuteye.

I then spent the entire day receiving high-fives and happy congrats from dear friends, colleagues and PR-contacts, feeling increasingly guilty and having a very hard time keeping a straight face. Some who caught on decided to play the straight guy to my gag, and spread the news even further by tweeting large congrats! Thanks!

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