

Tired of writing bios
241 posts
The Friday Playlist: Cover Me

The Friday Playlist: Cover Me

The most common rejection of your ad idea is probably “too celebral”. The second most common rejection-reason is: “It’s been done”
Dabitch 3 min read

Friday Playlist: Earfloss

I don’t have a theme this week, other than “sounds that clean the cobwebs from my head,” I guess.
Dabitch 3 min read
Friday Playlist: Real Old Skool

Friday Playlist: Real Old Skool

It’s Friday Playlist time! Here’s one that might even please that guy in the office who claims he only listens to classical music. There’s one in every office, so set this on speakers and play it loud. First one to call out the original song wins a beer at the pub tonight.
Dabitch 2 min read


Everything is so random there must be a pattern

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