
Some of the artwork, advertising, interior design, design and websites I've created over the years.

29 articles (Page 2)
Minicall filmerna på IDG.se

Minicall filmerna på IDG.se

IDG kör just nu en artikelserie om glömda tekniker och har nått personsökaren. I artikeln Personsökaren - första steget mot mobilen skriver Madelene Hellström om dom där små doserna som man kunde skicka nummer till, och som bonus visas mina Telia Minicall filmer upp.

2.4 Children Dinner Party

2.4 Children Dinner Party

Baby, a social and networking club for creatives in Amsterdam wanted to attract people to the club in the evenings for socializing and networking.

Sir Shackelbury

Sir Shackelbury

I wanted to create one of those velvet paintings, with blacklight colour and thought using my friend Yannakis as the subject would be fun.

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