On January 24, 2025, I announced that I had taken Adland offline. I can no longer be the person who single-handedly runs the servers, the databases, the web design, and the archiving of adnews and commercials on Adland.

I bored all my friends talking about advertising all the time. I am obsessed with ads. I wanted to share ad knowledge with other ad geeks.
I built a website - from the servers and up - to collect ads, share ad news, and to talk about ads with like-minded people. It serves both as a water cooler gossip site, advice for students and news source. It began in 1996 and is still going. I've created the trademarked name, red TV logo and several test-card F inspired website themes, as well as a Test Card F 404 page.
I'm still obsessed with ads, so it didn't help at all.

Some of the adland® front end design and special technical features over the years
Press, technical development and features in Adland over the years
Many outlets either used Adland for source materialor reported on things happening on the site and to Adland. I'm not sure for how long we've been linked at the Library of Congress researchers moving images center, but it has been years. Probably two decades.

1998: "She puts the plagiarized ads on the web" (Sweden)
2000: Marketingmag Canada (Canada)
Researchbuzz alert (USA)
Adformatie "Seven hours of viewing pleasure" (The Netherlands)
2001: The Globe and Mail "All ads, all the time - only on-line" (Canada)
Creativity Magazine : Alt Career / Dabitch is back 2001 (USA)
2002: Wired: When the Spam Hits the Blogs (USA)
Markedsføring:"Sikke mange spøgelser" (Denmark)
Banner Project: "Click on those who click on Adland"
I created banners from visitor stats that rotated and revealed how global Adland was, as visitors came from ad agencies, ad schools and film schools all over the world.

2003: Propaganda : 15 NOK for 10,000 commercials (Norway)
"Lekplats för reklamare - Playground for ad people" IDG Internetworld (Sweden)
Shootonline on Adland back in April 2003 (USA)
Variety - Got ads? Adland is center for news - September 2003 (USA)
The Adland® Paywall - charging for ad access and getting banned by Paypal.
2004: The advertising show March 2004 (USA)
Adland, winner of MarketingSherpas Readers' Choice Award 2004 (USA)
Philadelphia Inquirer 2004 "Entertainment, but where's the pitch?" (USA)
VEER: Ad Comments And Stir (USA)
NewsDirect - Advertising community hits the 35.000 members mark
"The world's largest advertising community rounds out 35,000 users"
2005: Fast Company - Best Business Blogs: Advertising (USA)
Etermedia - Sites you can not live without! (Sweden)
Billboard: Blogging By Moonlight (USA)
Børsen - the Danish Financial Times writes about Adland and Marachino (Denmark)
Politiken Nyheder Denmark July 2005 (Denmark)
IDG Computerworld / Internetworld @IDGse 2005 (Sweden)
2006: The Ranch - Interview with Dabitch (USA)
Adfreak: "Adland turns ten, braces for spankings" (USA)
Attention Magazine: The New Media Elite (Sweden)
Adland's Battle of the ad blogs 2006 (Adand / Global)
Internetworld: form och funktion 06 - Best design and functions 2006 (Sweden)
We had all of our commercials tagged by the users of adland, and this was listed as 2006 best web design function by the internet magazine IDG

2007: New York Times looks at Super Bowls past - source: Adland (USA)
Svenska Dagbladet: Check out Adland's amazing archive (Sweden)
Marketingsherpa: PR Interview: How to Be Seen in Adland, the Land of Edgy Video Ads (USA)
2008: Agencyspy: Adblogger Gets Death Threats etc. Over Human Rights Ads 2008 (USA)
Dagens Industri - Dödshot från läsare vardag för reklambloggare (Sweden)
Metro: "Mamma måste ha tappat mig på huvudet" 2008 (Sweden)
MedieVärlden: Kinesiska dödshot mot svensk reklamblogg (Swedish)

2009: Dagens Industri "The worlds largest Super Bowl commercial collection.. is Swedish" (Sweden)
Medie Världen: "Vem vill se 37 år gamla Super Bowl-filmer, Åsk Wäppling?" (Sweden)
Dagens Industri - Adland airs live from The Cannes Festival (Sweden)
So, the worlds largest super bowl archive - 38 years! - is now embeddable (USA & Adland)

2011: Dagens Media: "Ad blogger banned by Google, accused of spreading pornography" (Sweden)
Brand Republic ranks Adland the sixth most influential in the world (UK)
The Adage power150 blog rankings. (USA)

Captcha's for adland, a way to prevent spammers for entering comments.

2012: Meet The 22 Most Influential Advertising Bloggers (USA)
Adweek - 'The legendary ad blogger on Instagram creatives, brands riding the Reddit wave..." (USA)
2013: Financial Times Superbowl 2013 "Adland declared..." (2013)
Brand Equity "Ads and their keepers" - 2013 (India)
BI: #AgencyLife Hashtag On Twitter Prompts Huge Outbreak Of Whining In AdLand (USA)
[Maine Today interview: Åsk Dabitch Wäppling CEO of Adland](https://dabitch.net/maine-today-interview-ask-dabitch-wappling-ceo-of-adland/ (USA)
Creative Interviews - Åsk Dabitch Wäppling (UK)
2013 and 2014 was the years of the Pinterest-like forever scroll design of the website, which you can still see in action at the Internet Archive.

2015: Tom Megginson: "Who owns Adland?" (Canada)
2016: Adland calls out Ad Age on Twitter over 'sexism' in the industry (USA)
Mediabistro: 8 Blogs Every Media Professional Should Follow (USA)
Dagens Media: Reklamtrötta reklamproffs ledde till sajt på dark web (Sweden)
The Drum: Adland goes Dark (web) (UK & USA)
Independent.ie "Can media make it on the darkside?" (Ireland)
"If she's crying, she's buying" Brand Equity (India)
[AMA Marketing Insights: A Marketer's guide to the dark web 2016](https://dabitch.net/ama-marketing-insights-a-marketers-guide-to-the-dark-web-2016/ (USA)
Quoted in Economic Times "Adworld’s most unusual CEO" (India)
2017: Resumé : Åsk Wäppling - The advertising worlds outsider / Reklamvärldens outsider (Sweden)
2019: Resume about Adland: "Ad writer accuses Nike of plagiarism" (Sweden)

The DMCA from Bridgestone event:
Reclaim: "World’s largest and oldest commercial archive Adland taken offline" (USA)
LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION™ notes Adland's death (USA)
Resumé : Reklamsajten Adland hotas av nedläggning (Sweden)
Bluebus; 'Adland' goes down for publicizing Bridgestone commercial - lawyer complained (Brazil)
SF Egotist: "Adland shut down over DMCA takedown" (USA)
Techdirt "Adland shuts down after web host complies with bullshit DMCA notice" (USA)

Some of the tiny banners that ran on adland twenty years ago leading to other websites and sub sections